Present in Art

Waiyim Wong

Wong Wai Yim, lives & works in Hong Kong & Paris.
Master Degree of Art & Post Master in National Art School in France. 

Wai-Yim WONG, accomplish creative professional with over 30 years of experience in the fields of art, design and education. Adept at merging artistic vision with practical application, she has navigated diverse roles as an artist, designer, educator, coordinator. Her passion lies in fostering creativity, sharing knowledge, and contributing to the dynamic world of visual arts.

She graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and worked in advertising design and film production before 1997. Later on, she studied to National Academy of Fine Arts in France (, and granted a double master’s degree in 2002. Afterwards, she worked as producer with documentary production crew, shooting adventure travel or scientific research documentaries, etc. In 2004, she returned to China and worked as Digital Art department director and professor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. And also worked as lecturer in different institutions in Hong Kong. Such as: Hong Kong Art School, Hong Kong Design Instititue, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUSCS), etc. And also in Paris: Les petites Lumières, Academia, etc.

From 2011, she founded the assocoations in Hong Kong: LePresentinart, Kubrick poetry and Hong Kong Society of Art Materials Research, etc.. With strong background in art education, pedagogy and curriculum design, she organized exhibitions, seminars, trainings, workshops for local and overseas artists and academic experts, etc.

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