Present in Art

Twelfth Night • 十二夜

Creator: WONG Wai Yim

Performers: Philippe Charmes, Wong Wai Yim, Vinci Mok,
Sei Ryu, Saffron Leung, Chan Mei Tung, Josephine Chan, Pang Jing, Dora Lai.
Date and time: 14, 15, 21 Feb 2014, 8.00pm - 10.00pm
Venue: Presentinart studio, level 2-unit 13 and the platform of the 2nd floor, JCCAC

1st Night
1st night gallery

1st night trailer video


2nd Night
2nd night gallery

2nd night trailer video   


3rd Night
3rd night

3rd night trailer video


We’re artists who also work as life models for different art-related places. Each nude painting is not merely the creation of one artist
but a mutual connection between artist and model. Historically, the impressionist painting “Le déjeuner sur l'herbe” by Édouard Manet in 1863
proved controversial by displaying a nude woman enjoying a casual lunch with two fully dressed men.
In contemporary Hong Kong, a collective societal pressure to conform restricts casual displays of liberation.
How can we undermine this conservative norm, individualistic culture and the obedience insisted upon by institutions,
those around us and ultimately ourselves? Despite restrictions having been eased by the government regarding what can be done in public spaces,
do we as the people of Hong Kong have the societal freedom to be able to reclaim ourselves? Or, does the shadow of suppression follow us eternally?

By doing our performances with nude bodies in public space, we’re attempting to open a wide possibility of using our public spaces
with the complete freedom of mind and body.


The opening party took place on Valentine’s Day, 14 Feb 2014. The event continued on the 15th and 21st Feb., 3 nights art performance.

Cathedral bell rings at midnight… Did the security guard appear and kicked us out? Who knows?
Fantasy and madness unraveled chaotically as in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night!

Full detailed program by clicking on this link (will download a PDF file): download 12 nights program


Artists: Philippe Charmes, Wong Wai Yim, Vinci Mok, Sei Ryu, Saffron Leung, Chan Mei Tung, Josephine Chan, Pang Jing, Dora Lai.

Sponsored by: San Miguel, JCCAC, Aron Fotographie System.


Concept: Wong Wai Yim

Organizers: Wong Wai Yim, Philippe Charmes;

Photographer & cameraman: Ariom Leung, Kenny To, Alan Yau, Syren Johnstone.

Helper: Iris Miu Miu.


* Original concept inspired by Ramona Poenaru "Exhibition (just-an)"


Twelfth Night • 十二夜

我 們是藝術家,亦同是運用身體來創作的人體模特兒。每一張人體畫,都 是藝術家與模特兒的共同創作。
法國畫家馬奈在1863年創作《草地上的午餐》被視為印象派畫作先鋒,畫作以裸體女子隨便地與兩 個完全
率性歸真地享用公共空間? 而香港多年來殖民統治是如何有意無意地塑造出一個又一個良順的身體,

空間使用,其實是關乎身體的思 考,自覺與自信地使用身體。透過在公共空間裡公開舉辦人體模特兒藝術活動,帶 領觀眾思考身體,

情人節晚上,15號及21號晚,有不同 的行為藝術演出。每一晚,藝術家以人體為題,邀請觀眾共同創作,第一晚留下的痕跡,

每晚零時零分,十二下的教堂鐘 聲響起,我們會否被保安清場,繼而落荒而逃? 就讓這些晚上,如莎士比亞的十二夜那樣瘋狂!


每一晚的節目内容,請看:on this link (will download a PDF file): download 12 nights program


參與藝術家:陳美彤, 梁惠敏, 黃懷琰, 梁兆齡, 彭靖, 賴雪敏, 閻 魔あい, Philippe Charmes, Vinci Mok, Sei Ryu。

贊助:San Miguel. JCCAC,Aron Fotographie System.


Concept: 黃懷琰.

Organizers: 黃懷琰, Philippe Charmes;

攝影及錄像:Ariom Leung, Kenny To, Alan Yau, Syren Johnstone.

協助:Iris Miu Miu.

* Original concept inspired by Ramona Poenaru "Exhibition (just-an)"